ジェニファー・カウフマンは現在、アナランデル郡のK-5 General Music-4 / 5 Chorusの教師であり、MMEAの会長エレクト、MGMTAの前会長、およびNAfME一般音楽教育評議会の東部地区代表です。 2015年、ジェニファーは、アリゲイニー郡で教鞭をとっている間、教育の卓越性に対してMMEA賞を受賞しました。 プレゼンター、ゲスト指揮者を務める。シャペロン、地方、地区、州、東部レベルの裁定者であり、MSDE MC3名簿アーティストとして、すべての生徒の可能性を認識し、各生徒のニーズに合わせて教育戦略を変更する意欲を高めてきました。
Thomas Pierreは、プリンスジョージズ郡公立学校の全国委員会認定音楽教師です。彼はOrff-Schulwerk教育学の証明書を保持しており、2020 CMA Music Teachers of Excellence NationalAwardを受賞しています。その他の賞には、DC市長芸術賞の教育優秀賞、ケネディセンターが芸術証明書を通じて教育を変える、メリーランド音楽教育者協会の優秀な音楽教育者、2019年グラミー音楽教育者賞の準々決勝進出者が含まれます。ピエール氏は現在、MMEAの大会員を務めており、地方、州、国内、および国際レベルでワークショップを主導し、芸術教育と芸術統合を通じて都市教育の達成ギャップを埋めるのに役立つ子供と大人をサポートしています。 。
Carrie Barrett Traube - Baltimore County
Recording Secretary, Maryland Music Educators Association
Carrie Barrett Traube, NBCT, holds a Bachelor’s and Master’s of Music Education Degree from Towson University. She has taught 4th and 5th grade music in Baltimore County for the past 6 years. At her school, she fills the role of both the vocal general and the instrumental teacher and hosts an after school ukulele program . During the summer, she enjoys working at music camps and marching band camps.
大統領は、 メリーランド州バンド取締役会
Susan Eckerle - Montgomery County
President-Elect, Maryland Band Directors Association
Susan Eckerle is the Director of Bands at Wootton High School. She is the MCPS Senior Honor Band Prep Conductor and an At-Large MMBA board member. For MMEA, she has served on the MBDA board and as assistant manager of the Senior All-State Band. Her degrees are from LSU (BME) and CSU, Fresno (MA, conducting). She received the MMEA Outstanding Music Educator Award in 2023 and the Scroll of Excellence from WBDI in 2022.
Edryn J. Coleman博士は、メリーランド州ハワード郡のオークランドミルズ高校の合唱ディレクターであり、合唱団を指揮し、ピアノを教えています。彼は以前、2つの大学で合唱活動のディレクターを務め、小学校、中学校、大学レベルで音楽を教えてきました。彼の名誉のために、彼はこれまでに多数のゲストの指揮、審査、および専門的なプレゼンテーションを行っています。アラバマ州モンゴメリー出身の彼は、スティルマン大学で文学士号を、フロリダ州立大学でMMEを、シェナンドア大学のシェナンドア音楽院でDMAを取得しています。
Toni Danielは、舞台芸術の長年の支持者であり、支援者です。彼女は18年目を終え、メリーランド州ソールズベリーのパークサイド高校で合唱活動のディレクターを務めています。在職中、トニはさまざまな合唱イベントや組織でいくつかの役割を果たしてきました。これらの役職には、オールショアジュニアおよびシニアチェア、ディストリクトVジュニア合唱フェスティバルチェア、ディストリクトVシニア合唱フェスティバルチェア、イースタンショア合唱協会の会長が含まれます。彼女は、舞台芸術が学生の生活にプラスの影響を与える可能性があることを理解しています–受け入れと帰属の場所。
AnneMarie Karnbachは、19年前にオーケストラプログラムを開始したChopticon High Schoolでオーケストラ、ピアノ、ギターを教えています。彼女はゲストの指揮と裁定を楽しんでいます。 彼女はIUPで音楽パフォーマンスのBFAを取得しており、ジョンズタウン交響楽団で4年間演奏しました。 AnneMarieは現在、夫のChrisと一緒にメリーランド州ハリウッドに住んでいます。彼らの2人の子供、クリストファーとアビー。マーフィー、デイジー、ホリーの3匹の犬。と猫のノラ。彼女は大統領エレクトとしてMODAに参加することに非常に興奮しています!
Christie Cookは、カルバート郡公立学校の美術および舞台芸術の監督者です。 彼女は教室で14年間、ノーザンおよびウィンディヒル中学校で音楽鑑賞とオーケストラを教えていました。 Christieは、教師向けの卓越した専門能力開発のプログラミングと、あらゆる年齢の学生向けの質の高い音楽教育へのアクセスの継続的な提唱を通じて、メリーランド州の音楽教育を促進するMGMTA会長としてMMEAに奉仕することに興奮しています。
Ashleigh Cicconi、M.Ed.、MT-BCは、音楽療法の学士号、教育の修士号を取得しており、現在、教育リーダーシップの博士号を取得しています。 彼女は、理事会認定の音楽療法士およびインターンシップスーパーバイザーを務めたほか、独自の教育音楽プログラムを開発および実装しました。 アシュリーは現在、マクドノスクールで低学年の舞台芸術教師として働いているほか、タウソン大学の非常勤教授として、いくつかの音楽教育と音楽専門コースを教えています。
Laura Hickenは、タウソン大学の音楽教育の助教授です。彼女は学部および大学院の音楽教育コースを教えており、大学のNAfME支部の教員スポンサーです。ヒッケンは博士号を取得しました。テキサス大学オースティン校で音楽と人間の学習の博士号を取得し、UNC-グリーンズボロで音楽教育の修士号を取得し、ファーマン大学で音楽教育の学士号を取得しています。タウソンで教える前は、ヒッケンはサウスカロライナとフロリダでバンドと一般音楽を教えていました。
Amy T. Hairston - Montgomery County
President-Elect, Maryland Music Educators Association
Amy T. Hairston, MMEA President-Elect, is in her 19th year as a choral/general music teacher at Springbrook High School. She is a proud alumnus of Oakland Mills HS & UMD. In addition to her work for MMEA and Montgomery County, Amy has been a clinician and adjudicator for Calvert, Baltimore & Howard County, and has led professional development sessions at NJMEA and the Maryland Arts Summit. She enjoys promoting music education advocacy, vocal coaching for musicals and coaching Springbrook’s JV Girls Soccer team.
Appointed Chairs & Representatives
エイミーT.ヘアストンは、メリーランド州(スプリングブルックHS)で合唱/一般音楽および演劇の教師として16年目になります。彼女はOaklandMills HS&UMDの誇り高き卒業生です。この夏、彼女は専門能力開発リエゾンとしてMCEA理事会に加わりました。彼女は、ハワード、モンゴメリー、ボルチモア、カルバート郡の音楽臨床医および裁定者であり、MMEAのインサービスでのプレゼンテーションを楽しんでいます。
Krystal Williamsは現在、メリーランド州ボルチモアにあるWestern High School forGirlsのバンドディレクターです。ウィリアムズ夫人は1999年から2005年まで学部音楽専攻としてモーガン州立大学に通いました。器楽の学士号を取得した後、彼女は指揮の教育を続け、モーガン州立バンドプログラムの大学院助手でした。ウィリアムズ夫人はまた、メリーランド州ノートルダム大学で教育の修士号を取得しています。彼女はボルチモアシティ公立学校で14年間の音楽教師です。彼女は現在、夫のドワイトと息子のマシューと一緒にメリーランド州ウィンザーミルに住んでいます。
Dr. Jorim Edgar Reid, Sr. - Morgan State University
Collegiate Chapter Representative Chair
Composer and Conductor Dr. Jorim Reid, Sr. is an Assistant Professor, Director of Bands & Instrumental Music Coordinator at Morgan State University. He previously served as Director of Bands at Fayetteville State University (2015-2021) and North Carolina Central University (2000-2014). Reid has a Bachelor’s in Music Education degree from Florida A & M University, a Master’s of Music Education degree from Florida State University, and a Doctorate of Musical Arts Degree (DMA) from Boston University.
Jelynna-Marie Horsey - FSU NAfME Chapter
Collegiate Representative
Hello, My name is Jelynna Horsey and I’m an upcoming junior music education major with a vocal and choral focus at Frostburg State University. I am so excited to be the Collegiate Board Member this year and I can’t wait to do some good!
Kellie Harvey, NBCT - Wicomico County
Conference Chair
Kellie Harvey, NBCT, has been musically inspiring students in Wicomico County since 2014. Named 2020 Fruitland Primary Teacher of the Year and 2022 MMEA Outstanding Music Educator, Kellie has developed and implemented an arts integration curriculum, mentored new and current teachers, and received numerous grant awards. Within her community, Kellie shares her music skills by performing in local ensembles and teaching private lessons. She is a graduate of Seton Hill University and University of Florida.
リチャードAマックレディは、メリーランド州クラークスビルのリバーヒル高校で音楽技術、ピアノ、ギターを教えており、メリーランド州ハワード郡の音楽技術のリソースティーチャーでもあります。彼は、2013 TI:ME Mike Kovins Teacher of the Year Award、2013 Howard County Music Educator of the Year Award、および2014 Maryland Outstanding Music EducatorAwardを受賞しました。彼はまた、2017年にスクールバンドとオーケストラから「違いを生む50人の監督」の一人として認められ、2015年にはグラミー音楽教育者賞の準決勝に出場しました。
Walter A. Harleyは、オクソンヒル高校の会長、バンドおよびオーケストラのディレクターとして27年目になります。オクソンヒルのバンド/オーケストラは、地方、州、および全国の音楽祭で優れた評価を受けています。 Walter賞は、2008年バンドディレクターオブザイヤー、2009年LOVE賞、2012年です。プリンスジョージズ郡教師オブザイヤー2000、PGCPS優秀教育者オブザイヤー2010、2011、2012;ワシントンポストアグネスマイヤー優秀教育者オブザイヤー2012、およびNBA Citation of Excellence 2011、2012、2016。
Judy N. Drengwitz - Sweetwater
Music Industry Representative
Judy has worked in the music industry for more years than many of you have been born...stores in Wichita, Anaheim, Wheaton MD, Gaithersburg, MD and now Indiana. Why I do what I do is because I know the importance of arts and music as a necessary part of education. I was raised by 2 musicians...Dad had a big band and was with the Wichita Symphony, Mom was his singer. I was around music my whole life. With a group from NAMM we go on The Hill almost every year to advocate for music education...working with elected officials and their educational staff. I have work with arts supervisors, band directors, etc...and will do all that I can to help their programs. The importance of this work makes my life complete.
Chan'nel Howard - Baltimore City
Music Supervisors Representative
Chan’nel Williams Howard was born in Baltimore City and is a proud product of the Baltimore City Public Schools. She is a proud graduate of Western High School. Chan’nel received her bachelor’s degree from Frostburg State University, her Master’s degree from University of Phoenix, and is in pursuit of her doctorate in Educational Leadership and Administration from Walden University.
Chan’nel heralds her greatest accomplishment as being a mom. She has three beautiful children Jonathan, Benjamin, and Aubree and a host of “band children” from her over 12 years as a band director at Northeast Middle School.
Chan’nel has proudly served Baltimore City Public Schools for 22 years where the bulk of her work was as a middle school band director and as Coordinator of Fine Arts since 2017.
Robby Burns - Howard County
Music Technology Chair
Robby teaches band and general music at Ellicott Mills Middle School in the Howard County Public School System, where he also co-directs the HCPSS Middle School GT Honor Band. Outside of HCPSS, he maintains a large private percussion studio, a freelance performing schedule, as well as adjudicating, coaching, and consulting work. Robby has presented at music educator conferences all over the country on a range of topics relating to band, orchestra, and technology. He is the author of “Digital Organization Tips for Music Teachers" from Oxford University Press. He produces a blog and podcast called Music Ed Tech Talk.
Michelle Bogart - Carroll (Private School)
Private Schools Representative
Michelle Bogart has taught in private, public, and charter schools in Pennsylvania and Maryland. She is currently the Director of Student Activities and Music Teacher at Springdale Preparatory School. She has served as a board member for both MBDA and the Frederick Symphony Orchestra where she managed the Young Artist Competition. She holds degrees in music education from Susquehanna University (BM), and Towson University (MS).
Louise L. Anderson - Salisbury University
Research Chair
Dr. Anderson, an Associate Professor and the Coordinator for Music Education at Salisbury University, MD, has 30 years of experience teaching music in PK-12 schools. Her focus areas are secondary general music, choral music education, curriculum writing, ukulele instruction, and music technology. Her commitment to service was rewarded with the Service Award for the Fulton School of the Humanities. She also performs a variety of instruments and sings with Diana Wagner, also an SU professor.
Laura Allison - Baltimore County
Special Learners Committee Chair
Laura Allison has been teaching music in Baltimore County for 17 years. She has worked in an elementary setting with a large population of autistic students and is currently teaching at a separate public day school for children ages 3-21 with severe and profound disabilities. Laura has her BME in Music Education from WV Wesleyan College and an MS in Special Education from Johns Hopkins University. She received the MMEA Outstanding Educator Award in 2023.
Phil Barnes - Montgomery County
State Large Ensemble Festivals Chair
Phil Barnes has served as the Coordinator of Instrumental Music & Theatre for Montgomery County Public Schools since 2020. In this role, he supports over 200 teachers across the nation's 15th largest school district. MCPS is consistently named one of America’s Best Communities for Music Education by the NAMM Foundation. Before moving into administration, Phil spent 17 years teaching instrumental music, choral music, piano, guitar, music theory, music history, music technology, and music for special learners at the middle and high school levels. He is a proud product of the Maryland music education system, having attended Wicomico County Public Schools and the University of Maryland.
Sarah Burrall - Queen Anne's County
State Solo and Ensemble Festival Chair
Soprano Sarah Burrall is currently in her 9th year of teaching at Matapeake Middle School in Queen Anne’s County. She teaches Choral Music, Music & Theatre Arts, and acts as the Musical Production director. She has been able to cultivate thriving choral and musical programs. Outside of teaching, Sarah has lent her vocal talents to several non-profit organizations. Sarah received her bachelor's from Salisbury University in 2015 and her master's in Music Education from Kent State University in 2022.
John Pusateri - Baltimore County
Tri-M Chair
John is in his 24th year of teaching choral & orchestral music at Perry Hall High. Since becoming chair of the department in 2014, John has maintained a vibrant choral program, with his ensembles regularly performing at the highest level at festivals, presenting sessions at the state conference, as well as many students being accepted to state ensembles yearly. As the Tri-M Chapter Advisory at Perry Hall, he is excited to extend his support to other Maryland Tri-M chapters through his role on the board. John and his wife Mandi have three children, El, Lewey and Maryana, all of whom participate in the arts through dance or vocal performance.
Richard McCready - Howard County
Young Composers Project Chair
Richard A McCready teaches Music Technology, Piano, and Guitar, at River Hill High School in Clarksville, Maryland, and is also the Resource Teacher for Music Technology for Howard County, MD. He was awarded the 2013 TI:ME Mike Kovins Teacher of the Year Award, the 2013 Howard County Music Educator of the Year Award, and also the 2014 Maryland Outstanding Music Educator Award. He was also recognized by School Band and Orchestra as one of their “50 Directors Who Make A Difference” in 2017, and was a Grammy Music Educator Award semi-finalist in 2015.
Anthony J. Conto
Executive Director
Anthony has been Executive Director for MMEA since July 1, 2022. Prior to his appointment, he came to MMEA with over a decade of service to the Board, as well as over two decades of experience as a music educator and arts administrator. His primary background is in instrumental music, as well as experience in choral music. He was the Director of Fine Arts and Director of Bands & Orchestra at Bishop McNamara H.S. in Forestville, Maryland. He earned both his Bachelor of Science and Master of Music in Music Education and Conducting, from the University of Maryland, as well as a graduate certificate in Executive Leadership in Arts and Culture Strategy from the University of Pennsylvania and National Arts Strategies. He is currently also the Artistic Director and Conductor for the D.C.’s Different Drummer’s Symphonic Band, in Washington D.C. He has an extensive background with non-profit organizations and a wealth of experience working with teams, event coordination, fundraising, and budget management. Anthony was born, raised and currently lives in Prince George’s County, Maryland.
Kayde Deardorff